Stand up for this one please.
Advice: All meat - no fat!
Advice: All meat - no fat!
I gotta go now - killer tune, catchy.
had you told it like... - great title for a soul garagiiierrr tune.
Knock on wood - uff you remember right?? no words. Amanzingvly.
Leaving here - great cover, raw, nice.
Poor dog - perhaps one of the punk-iest tunes. Great lyrics.
Temptations bout to... - soul one, great vocals.
I need you - bluesy feeling.
you got it made - remainds me to Moby Grape.
Ha Ha - hahahah great tune/vocals.
Sunset - nice, fast, raw, punk.
Time to a blues jam part, part time love 1, great harm-guitar.
Well... I leave the others to more writing, im done.
(aaaa yes, dedicated to my friend Weekend Hippie)
Want lots-wholotta comments.
bomber, man this is a hell of a set!! many thanks man!!!!!!
exactly words: hell of a set!
Many thanks my music friend for your great site, keeping the links cool, and all your hard work throughout the past year!
Happy Holidays!
Scott Morgan and The Rationals.
Detroit Rocks!
Thanks for the post
Hi, I know this isn't the right place but I can't find where to contact you. I wanted to thank you for your great blog by sharing with you a brand new live recording of the Sonics in France, Dec. 2009. I hope you'll enjoy it and that you'll share it with everyone on your blog. It's here :
totally awesome!!!!! man, this rocks...
every now and then you come up with a big surprise such as this :-)
How can I lose... I'm definitely checking this one out. I'll be back to let you know how the experience was. Thanks as always for these top posts :)
Peace and blessings.
@W Hippie: thanks for your support.
@?: shure do, love the voice of Scott ;)
@Dannysonar: thank you man for sharing the newest stuff from the GOOD OLE MASTERs of the genre!
you can send me more staff and contact me at
All good stuff its welcome my friend Danny :-)
@anyonesdaughter: this is a real threat!
@vincent: always ll find new old good things here! thanks for your kind comments! seeya!
Claro ejemplo de lo que se cocía por Detroit en la segunda mitad de los 60s, que era sencillamente esos sonidos producto de meter en una coctelera esa British Invasion que asoló no solo Detroit, sino todo el país, dando una infinidad de buenas bandas de garage, y esos sonidos soul tan característicos de la Motor City.
Un sobresaliente para Big Beat por esta recopilación que no tiene desperdicio.
Apoyo eso de que no hay desperdicio Pep ;)
Me uno al comentario y aprovecho para desearte que te lo pases bien y disfrutes con tu familia si es menester y si no también y hago extensivo este deseo a todos los lectores de este superblog que es ¡GARAGE MUSIC!. Un abrazo Pablo!
Gracias Javi! que tengas una muy felices fiestas tambien !
Gracias tambien por tu apoyo incondicional..muy apreciado.
Nos estamos hablando
;) Abrazo
Thanks for all the great posts man!
Jajajaja yo puse el mismo post le agregue un par de bonus un discazo!!..Gran post si señor!!
vos sabes que lo busque pero no lo encontre...sigue funcionando como la soberana cayampa el buscado de RR beat o no? ? ? nunca se soluciono eso...que raro, habria que probar con algun tipo de buscador interno, que no corresponda a blogger.
Hola Pablo,los buscadores que probe ninguno funciono,asi que estare al tanto hasta que aparezca uno.Un abrazo
Thank You Bomber! Awesome band.. Love to hear something more from Rationals.
yeah...plis before listening the Rats, think rational ;)
jajaja,yo tengo..think rational!!
I saw the Sonics October 31, 2008 after waiting over 40 years. Thanks to "anonymous", I've got another great show to listen to. And my French teacher is from Clermont-Ferrand!
Oh, and thanks for all the Rationals stuff!
Merci beaucoup!
Oh, I'll be listening soon. Have a lot of stuff by the Rats, and met Scott Morgan before (a few times), great guy.
Thanx very much! Such a lovely music!
Great stuff hear on your site. Gonna be a while here i think!
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