
The Downliners Sect: The Sect (UK, 1964)

This is the group's rawest and most R&B-oriented album, firmly rooted in the same influences as the Rolling Stones and the Pretty Things and including punk covers of Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed, et al., along with a few originals in the same vein.

Well...a must(!!!). One of my first adqst.
Highly Recommended.

For those who don't get enough rough-and-ready British-style R&B and rock & roll from the debut albums by the Stones or Pretty Things, or find the playing by either band a little too tame and mannered, The Sect should be their next stop. Nobody on the British isles, other than maybe Brian Jones in his private moments on the guitar and harp, was more charmingly primitive than the Downliners Sect were on this album, which trades so freely in Bo Diddley riffs and the latter's signature beat that latecomers could be forgiven for thinking that this band had a hand in inventing them.

...served by germt...
a little gift that I added to my friend`s original flight
bonus tracks re issue

here (coming soon)


Roadrunner said...

Sin palabras ..pirotécnia pura,..!!

The Bomber said...

exacto... palabras precisas
una de ellas es la q vos decis
Incendiario es para mi..
ahora falta la de germt!

Anonymous said...

Para mi su mejor disco,R&R, garage, R&B..todo en un disco desnudo sin artilugios en estado puro....y esa voz que lo borda.
Me falta por escuchar el Country Sect, quien lo tiene???

The Bomber said...

aca esta germt


servido por Maxi

espero que te guste... no es de los q mas recomendaria de la banda...pero en fin, mas material de la secta.

desp me decis q te parecio

Anonymous said...

Gracias Maxi por el disco. No me emociona el country, pero este disco(sin los bonus) creo que es bastante mejor de lo que pensaba y tiene 2 temas magníficos"I Got Mine" y "Bad Storm Coming".
Así pa resumir, y partiendo de que lo poco que sé lo sé por "viejo" y no por estudioso, las tres canciones de los Sect que más me molan son: "Nursery Rhymes", " Be a Sect Maniac" y " Sect Appeal".(Creo se me ve plumero)
A ver quien es el siguiente que se moja....