
Unknown Mystery 60's Group

Unknown Mystery 60's Group Volume I (Distortions) was released in 1997. The songs on the CD were found on a reel to reel tape at an outdoor flea market in Philadelphia. Nothing was known about the group except for the song titles, which were written on the tape box. The two photos on the CD were inside the tape box as well. Members of the "unknown group" were asked to contact the record label for their royalties and further contract negotiations.

In 2001, Octopus Records decided to track down the combo responsible for such gems as "Birdhouses", "Percival", and "Are You Mad At Me". Requests for info about the unknown group were placed in the classified sections of various Philadelphia Newspapers. A number of respondents (fans, neighbors, and relatives) provided clues that led Octopus to the band's drummer and archivist, currently living in Spain, who generously supplied Octopus with missing details, photographs, and tapes that made the Unknown Mystery 60's Group Volume II possible. Unfortunately, one concession to the members had to be granted before the release of Volume II: the identity of the band would have to remain anonymous. Why? The expatriate, serving as a spokesman for the others, replied: "It's more or less Bob Dylan's line: "I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now."

Thanks to the band archivist in Spain, another volume of brilliant songs by the "Unknown Group" was released by Birdhouse Records in July 2007. Mastered from the original tapes, this collection of 12 Love Songs showcases the band at the height of their songwriting and musical powers.
"An intriguing cavalcade of Pete Townshend vim and chiming, early-Todd Rundgren sweetness nevertheless"
VOX Magazine

"It's exactly the kind of thing cults are made of"
The Bob

"Acoustic-electric psych pop with quirky songwriting and tight harmonies"
Record Collector

"This UNKNOWN 60'S MYSTERY music is WAY tasty stuff indeed"
Mr. Fab's Pop Blab
Not Lame Recordings

"The recordings, at a guess, seem to date from around '67 or '68. Consisting of 14 tracks (all originals), the group seems to have been a folk-rock type of group that were heavily influenced by the west coast sound. Tracks like "I Wanna Let You Know", "Percival", and "Are You Mad at Me" have a Buffalo Springfield edge with "I Wanna Let You Know" being a standout with a cool lead guitar and a simple but effective harp solo. "Is It Me or Is It You?" would actually be right at home on a later Beau Brummels LP while "Bumby" sounds like a Byrds "outtake" session -pretty cool stuff! My vote for the most rockin' track goes to "She's So Fine." With it's driving bass line and sneering guitar work, this Beatles influenced song would've been a good candidate for a 45. The group takes a minor turn into Psychedelia with "Salisbury Jane", which sounds like it could've been written by The British North American Act. The questions about the group will hopefully be answered in the upcoming years. So until then, if folk rock's your bag, dig the sounds of the "Unknown Mystery Group".
Tony Sanchez
Ugly Things

Who tha hell are The Bob? and that record collector??
The Bomber

(birdhouse-aka casa de pajaro)
VOL 1.


The Bomber said...



Pedro Homero said...

megaupload returns a "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable" error. Could i be so bold as to ask you to perhaps try mediafire.com? Thank you in advance, your description really made me curious.

Javier said...

Buenas, me asomo por aqui desde el seguimiento continuo al blog en primer lugar y en segundo lugar desde el pedo que llevo puesto que si no he pasado por la parrilla mas de 500 cachos de carne no pase ninguno, es decir a modo personal me gustaria recibir una traduccion al castellano de todo esto, hip. o no, malos tiempos para la lirica sobre todo para la mia, hip, en cuanto tenga un rato lo intento pero ahora mismo es lo que me sale, hip, CON PERDON, SUPER BOMB CAZORLA!

The Bomber said...

@ Pedro Homero: Hi Peter, yes try to get the file later, cause when the servers are too bussy, you recieve that message, ok? and tell me later about it.
Yes i do know mediafire, but I have a premium on megaupload so i can upload fast, but i ll try mediafire in time to time olright?

@Javier: querido Javi, bueno, mas tarde traduzco cosa de los Mystery, que rico, me han dado ganas de comer carne y tomar un vinito, saludazos viejo!

Pedro Homero said...

Ok, Bomber, lo probaré más tarde, tendré paciencia :D
Saludos, y gracias!

Antonio said...

Already downloading and looking to forward listen to it.


The Bomber said...


Desconocido Misterio 60, Tomo Grupo I (distorsiones) fue lanzado en 1997. Las canciones en el CD se encuentra en un carrete a carrete de cinta en un mercado de pulgas al aire libre en Filadelfia. Nada se sabe sobre el grupo a excepción de los títulos de las canciones, que fueron escritos en la caja de la cinta. Las dos fotos en el CD se encontraban dentro de la caja de la cinta así. Los miembros del grupo "desconocido" se les pidió ponerse en contacto con el sello discográfico de sus derechos de autor y negociaciones de contratos más.

En 2001, Octopus Records decidió localizar a los responsables de combo para joyas como "Pajareras", "Percival", y "¿Estás enojado conmigo". Las solicitudes de información sobre el grupo de desconocidos fueron colocados en la sección de clasificados de varios periódicos de Filadelfia. Varios de los encuestados (aficionados, vecinos y familiares) proporcionaron pistas que llevaron a Octopus baterista de la banda y archivero, que actualmente viven en España, que generosamente han suministrado Pulpo con la falta de detalles, fotografías y cintas que hizo el Misterio del sol 60, Tomo Grupo II posible. Desafortunadamente, una concesión a los miembros tuvieron que ser concedidas antes de la presentación del Tomo II: la identidad de la banda tendría que permanecer en el anonimato. ¿Por qué? El expatriado, que actúa como portavoz de los demás, respondió: "Es más o menos la línea de Bob Dylan:" Yo era mucho mayor entonces. Soy más joven que ahora. "

Gracias a la archivista banda en España, otro volumen de cantos brillantes por el "desconocido" Grupo Fue lanzado por Birdhouse en julio de 2007. Masterizado de las cintas originales, esta colección de 12 vitrinas Love Songs de la banda a la altura de sus competencias y composición musical.

"Una cabalgata intrigante de Pete Townshend y vim campanadas, a principios-Todd Rundgren, dulzura, sin embargo"
Vox Magazine

"Es exactamente el tipo de cosas se hacen de los cultos"
El Bob

"Acoustic-pop psych eléctrica con peculiares armonías composición y apretado"
Record Collector

"Estas cosas 60'S UNKNOWN sabrosa música MISTERIO es la forma de hecho"
Pop Sr. Fab Blab
Not Lame Recordings

"Las grabaciones, en una suposición, parecen datar de alrededor de 67 o 68. Compuesto por 14 temas (todos los originales), el grupo parece haber sido un tipo de folk-rock del grupo que estaban muy influenciados por el sonido de la costa oeste . Canciones como "I Want to Let You Know", "Percival", y "¿Estás enojado conmigo" tienen una ventaja de Buffalo Springfield con "I Want to Let You Know" de ser un destacado con una guitarra muy bien y un simple pero efectivo arpa en solitario. "¿Soy yo o ¿Es usted?" sería realmente como en casa en una tarde, mientras que Beau Brummels LP "Bumby" suena a Byrds "outtake" session-pretty cool stuff! mi voto para el seguimiento de la mayoría de los Rockin 'va a "She's So Fine". Con su conducción línea de bajo y de guitarra burlón, esta canción de los Beatles influencia habría sido un buen candidato para un 45. El grupo toma un giro menor en psicodelia con "Salisbury Jane", que suena como si podría haber sido escrito por los ingleses de América del Norte ley. Las preguntas sobre el grupo ojalá se apruebe en los próximos años. Hasta entonces, si el folk rock de su bolso, cavar los sonidos de la "Desconocido Mystery Group".
Tony Sánchez
Las cosas feas

¿Quién diablos son tha El Bob? y coleccionista de discos??
El Bombardero

(pajarera-aka Casa de pájaro)
Vol 1.

Javier said...

Joder, gracias Pablo por el detalle, el otro me día pasé medio aturdido por aquí y no daba para más, interesantísimo todo lo que cuentas y bueno bajaré de inmediato el disco y a escucharlo. Muchas gracias en nombre de los hispanoparlantes!

Mike said...

Unknown? Or perhaps some 80's type musicians who could only wish to have been 15 years older and that have their own studio? When the first volume came out I heard it was a fabricated spoof. Finding a 2nd volume with an "anonymous drummer living in Spain" story pretty much seals the deal.

The Bomber said...

Yes Mike, its a story that sells, but I dont know if thats confirmed, that a modern band, where did you hear that? or read?


Anonymous said...

Hi Pablo,

i think also, this is a recording from 80' or 90'.
Watch to 60' privat recording, all clear and sound pretty good? - no !


Anonymous said...

Have tried both links several times but always get same message
unfortunately link is not available

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody.
For me too link not available.
Dandelion si that of the rolling stones?

The Bomber said...

@Jancy: certainly, this one sounds pretty clean, yeah. Well we dont have something that confirms that its from the 60s or "modern".
@anonymous: the link its not available cause the servers are too bussy, be patient ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that this is because the servers are busy as I have never had this problem before and have tried these links quite a few times now at different times of the day and night. Is it possible to re-upload again.

Grit said...

Yes please, both links don't work

Anonymous said...

Stop downloading my files illegally. That's why the links don't work.
Buddy Whelan, President

Mike said...

Buddy, you don't think anyone would actually pay for that crap?

Anonymous said...

Right on Mike!!

Unknown said...

Mike--- I just did. WELL worth the $7.99. I really dig it.

Anonymous said...

hello, i was looking for vols 1 & 2 in Google, and found that page. but the links here is out-of-date... so... сan you reupload it?